Friday, July 18, 2008

Gospel 'Errors' Due to 'Racist Edits,' Writer says


JULY 18, 2008 --
First-century unauthorized editing of the original New Testament gospel manuscripts accounts for the puzzling scriptural passage involving a woman named Mary and a man named John at the foot of Jesus' cross, says a Bible researcher and writer, who has identified racism as the source of these and other "confusing errors and contradictions" which plague the New Testament gospels. "The real mother and son named Mary and John, of Cyrene (Libya), have been replaced," says Randall Carter Gray, "and clearly because they were African."

"At the heart of this cosmic drama involving good and evil is racism -- and this passage is the equivalent of the holy grail," says Gray, admitting he hates "that term," which he believes is "another way of saying that they have Jesus' DNA-rich blood in a cup for genetic experimentation."

Gray pointedly alludes to this "odd scene" in John's Gospel when a dying Jesus instructs his mother and a disciple named John to behold and embrace one another in a new mother-and-son relationship. He claims the mystery and puzzlement over John 19:25-27, which "still stumps Bible scholars today," cannot be solved without first admitting "the Bible has errors, big ones, and many of them -- that is, edits and alterations due to tampering.

"Shrewd enemies of Christianity have clearly made these changes, which dominate the gospels of John and Mark, all to hide John Mark, or St. Mark, and his mother Mary."

Why this and other tamperings in all four gospels have been performed is "profoundly significant," the writer says, "with mankind's redemption on the line."

The former daily newspaper religion writer and editor said John Mark and his mother Mary "almost certainly hosted the last supper" in their home with an upper room, being people of wealth. He says the pair is also missing in Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper," which accounts for "more errors, the causes of which are racism and deception."

"Three verses, two in John's Gospel and one in Acts (1.12,14)," says Gray, "unlock the mystery." John 19:27 tells us that Jesus' mother Mary, presumably, and the apostle John, the son fo Zebedee, presumably, "leave that very hour for John's home in Galilee, in Capernaum, after Jesus' instructions." But, as Gray points out, John somehow apparently "makes it all the way back to Jerusalem" from Capernaum, some 200 miles away, in time to visit the empty tomb of Jesus with Peter on the day of Jesus' resurrection.

And, he adds, we see "the disciple whom Jesus loved" in Galilee "cavorting with his old buddies, fishing, in John's final chapter -- while Mary, for whom John is supposed to be caring, is nowhere around. "But the kicker," Gray said, "comes in Acts 1.12,14, when we see Mary in Jerusalem for Jesus' ascension, and she is being attended to by all of her real sons, Jesus' half-brothers, among whom would have been James, the eventual head of the church in Jerusalem. "Mary didn't need a new son, nor a new nephew, which Zebedee's John very likely was by virtue of Mary being the sister of Salome, the mother of John and James, the sons of Zebedee and of thunder."

The writer said the "strange scene at Golgotha," when Jesus refers to his mother not as mother, but merely "woman," has long been "a thorn, a mystery, but not without a clue: "Jesus simply isn't speaking to his mother Mary and the apostle John, the son of Zebedee." The real pair are found in Acts 12.12, Gray said. It is their home to which Peter runs after escaping from Herod's prison.

"So, if anybody wants to know ... of course the Bible, the New Testament, has errors," Gray acknowledged, "but they are all intentional errors, or edits, alterations, tamperings. As creation has been corrupted, so has God's holy word been."

Gray strengthens his case by referencing "the obscuring of another mother and son," Bathsheba, of Ethiopia, and her son Solomon. Incredibly, he said, "these alterations ultimately were also meant to hide Jesus' racial identity. "The David-Bathsheba-Solomon saga, appearing in the Hebrew Scriptures, was recorded nearly a millennium before the birth of Jesus," Gray said, pointing out that "Bathsheba is curiously missing from the genealogy of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew, though her husband's name, Uriah, is listed." In most manuscripts, the removal of Bathsheba's name in the genealogy is apparent and leaves an awkward gap. But why? Because it was imperative that Solomon, the son of David, not be seen as the forerunner of Jesus, who was also called the son of David ... for racial reasons.

"The hiding of all of these African folks and their kin must have messianic implications ... with this master-race nonsense about to be foisted upon us once again by the Europeans and American Nazis," namely the administration, he said. "Grandpa (Prescott) Bush was a Nazi big time ... didn't you know that? I, therefore, don't think Mr. Bush is a Christian at all -- and, I suspect he will betray Israel, as Judas betrayed Jesus."

Gray's popular blog "TANATA: Things (often) Are Not As They Appear" can be accessed at

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